Top Safety Resources Childbirth Educators Should Be Sharing with Families in Childbirth Classes
By: Sharon Muza, BS, LCCE, FACCE, CD/BDT(DONA), CLE | 0 Comments
September is Baby Safety Month. Many childbirth educators are not experts in infant safety, but there are some key safety points that should be included in any comprehensive childbirth education class. Topics such as car seat safety, safe sleep, and general household safety are good items to touch on. It is important to also cover general guidelines on safe babywearing and where parents can stay informed on product recalls for infant and child consumer products.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that unintentional injury death rates in children have declined in recent years, injuries are still the leading cause of death for children and teens - especially babies under 1 year old and teens in the 15-19 year old age bracket.
While class time may not allow significant discussion on these safety topics, providing a short and sweet resource list for common concerns is a great idea. Families will have a reliable place to get information after your time together is over. Consider using these up to date resources in any handouts you create. Including local resources, locations for car seat inspections, and other tools for keeping children safe in your area would be a great addition to this list. Additionally, share local classes taught by qualified safety instructors, so families can seek out additional learning on these topics.
Car Seats
Safe Sleep
Household Safety
Fire Safety
Water Safety
Healthy Children - Drowning
Safe Babywearing
Verywell Family - Rules of Safe Babywearing
Product Recalls
The entire community has a responsibility to keep babies and children safe in every way. Childbirth educators can be a source of reliable information on current safety guidelines and resources. During Baby Safety Month, take a few minutes to compile and share appropriate resources with the families you work with.
West, B. A., Rudd, R. A., Sauber-Schatz, E. K., & Ballesteros, M. F. (2021). Unintentional injury deaths in children and youth, 2010–2019. Journal of safety research, 78, 322-330.
Published: September 07, 2022
Childbirth educationBaby Safety MonthCar SeatsSharon Muza