Research and resources for perinatal professionals.
August 03, 2022 | by: Sharon Muza, BS, CD/BDT(DONA), LCCE, FACCE, CLE
The first week of August is World Breastfeeding Week - a time for all the world to acknowledge the importance of giving babies human milk, and an opportunity for individuals, organizations and systems to examine their roles and responsibilities in promoting and supporting bodyfeeding and the parent/baby dyad. Breastfeeding provides food security and reduces inequalities. Additionally, August 8-14 is Indigenous Milk Medicine Week and August 25-31 is the 10th annual Black Breastfeeding Week.
The focus for 2022 World Breastfe
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May 18, 2022 | by: Sharon Muza, BS, LCCE, FACCE, CD/BDT(DONA), CLE
Currently, the families in your childbirth classes may have more anxiety and concerns around lactation and infant feeding than the typical level of nerves and questions you are accustomed to. The United States is currently experiencing a human milk substitute shortage that is increasing stress and worry amongst those who are still pregnant about what they will face after their babies are born. Some families are planning to bodyfeed their infants. Others may be choosing a mixture of human milk substitutes along with their own milk and a third group may not be planning to provide human milk at all but rather rely on purchased human milk substitutes. Regardless of what their intentions are, families are concerned about not being able to provide adequate and appropriate nutrition for their newborn when they arrive and what alternatives will be for their babies. News headlines, social media channels and communities of parents everywhere make it impossible to ignore the elephant in the room when you gather with your classes.
November 11, 2021 | by: Sharon Muza, BS, LCCE, FACCE, CD/BDT(DONA), CLE
Dr. Kathleen Kendall-Tackett is a health psychologist and International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, and the Owner and Editor-in-Chief of Praeclarus Press, a small press specializing in women's health. Praeclarus Press has made some fun posters and infographics on the topics of lactation, doulas, and parenting/lifestyle at no cost to anyone who would like to download them.
September 02, 2021 | by: Sharon Muza, BS, LCCE, FACCE, CD/BDT(DONA), CLE
The American Academy of Pediatricians just a released an updated list of answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on the topic of bodyfeeding. There were several questions and answers that were updated and I think that perinatal professionals serving in all capacities might find this information helpful when working with new families. You can find the new statement with all of the questions/answers here.
August 26, 2021 | by: Sharon Muza, BS, LCCE, FACCE, CD/BDT(DONA), CLE
In perinatal classes, it is important to provide information and present bodyfeeding as a normal event that occurs ideally within the first hour after birth and continues for as long as both parent and baby desire. In reality, I often say that bodyfeeding is the next big challenge after birth. We know that while “natural,” it is often something that a new baby and a new parent need to learn as a dyad and there can be challenges during the early days and weeks.
Some of those challenges require the use of specialized equipment or tools, while other situations may arise where new parents find it helpful to have some things on hand to help things go more smoothly. Many of these items are completely unfamiliar to parents especially those having their first baby. Families appreciate the Lactation Station activity and leave with more familiarity about what items might be handy to have around when lactation is getting started or facing some hurdles
August 05, 2021 | by: Sharon Muza, BS, LCCE, FACCE, CD/BDT(DONA), CLE
August is all about lactation! August 1-7 is World Breastfeeding* Week, August 8th - 14th is Native Breastfeeding Week, August 25th - 31st is Black Breastfeeding Week and in the USA, the entire month recognized as National Breastfeeding Month. Today’s research review summarizes a study that examined nursing and the passage of COVID-19 antibodies from parents who received a COVI-19 vaccination after birth and during bodyfeeding.
April 23, 2021 | by: Mindy Cockeram, LCCE
Tuesday, in Connecting The Dots, in Part I of The Impact of Common Labor Interventions on Newborn Weight Loss and Breast/Chestfeeding Cessation, we examined how the use of analgesics for pain relief, Pitocin for induction and a large IV fluid load delivered throughout labor, can lead to breast/chestfeeding challenges for new parents in the first few hours and days of life.
Today, in Part II, we examine the appropriate timing of a newborn’s baseline weight assessment. When, after birth, should a newborn’s baseline weight be established? Using a weight that may have been impacted by labor interventions can hinder maternal breastfeeding confidence and skew pediatric goals for normal newborn weight gain. We also look at an evidence based tool for determining if weight loss really falls into the supplementation zone.
April 20, 2021 | by: Mindy Cockeram, LCCE
How many parents have you met that experienced the following birth scenario: Labor began with an induced labor using Pitocin (UK-Syntocinon), an epidural for pain relief and a long pushing stage or even an unplanned cesarean? The parents felt overwhelmed with joy when the baby was born and relief that the labor was over. As the new emotions settled in, the next stage of parenting began - breast/chestfeeding a baby on cue around the clock. Discharged home, the sleepy baby suddenly became more wakeful and eager to cluster feed. Day three became a challenge: jaundice set in and the pediatrician recommended supplementation due to excessive weight loss. The scenario ends with an emotionally drained parent worrying about their milk supply, supplementing with bottles of formula daily and potentially giving up on breast/chestfeeding before the mature milk even has a chance to arrive! Did their body really let them down? Did they really not have enough milk?
March 03, 2021 | by: Sharon Muza, BS, CD/BDT(DONA), LCCE, FACCE, CLE
Today is IBCLC Day and the perfect time to recognize all that International Board Certified Lactation Consultants do to support parents in feeding their children. As childbirth educators and perinatal professionals, we let parents know about the IBCLC professional and how they can help a family after the baby arrives, We may even provide specific contacts for IBCLCs in our area. But there are at least 9 reasons that a family may want to consider consulting with an IBCLC before their baby is born, in order to help them start off right with their desire to give their baby human milk.
September 29, 2020 | by: Boppy
Every September is Baby Safety Month (BSM), an awareness program originally created by the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA). BSM raises awareness and provides knowledge on how to keep little ones safe.
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