Our goal is simple; we want all parents to feel confident, supported and powerful.
All of our recommendations are firmly grounded in the latest research.
Everyone’s journey to parenthood is unique. We welcome and respect all families.
We provide trusted information throughout your journey, recommending the safest and healthiest options to parents without judgment.
The Lamaze Six Healthy Birth Practices are based upon the most recent, evidence-based research. They are recommendations to help ease the birthing process and instill confidence. While some may have unique circumstances, all parents can benefit from understanding the options and information available to them.
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A Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator (LCCE) is your trusted partner for one of the most important journeys of your life. Find a class in your area to help you prepare for a safe and healthy birth.
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Research and resources for perinatal professionals.
Review the findings of childbirth educators who created programs for prengnat people at high-risk.
Trusted resources, stories and answers for parents.
Rebekah Otto, Editor-in-Chief, Babylist, took an online class from Lamaze during her second pregnancy. Read her VBAC birth story.
Rebekah, Oakland
Help us to continue to share the message of safe and healthy birth through the work of our passionate childbirth educators, evidence-based research and direct outreach to women.
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