When to Buy Maternity Clothes
By: Cara Terreri, LCCE, CD(DONA) | 0 Comments
It's easy to be tempted by the excitement of pregnancy to run out and buy a bunch of maternity clothes right away. (Of course, not everyone feels this way and I see you, too.) The truth is, you'd be better off waiting to buy/borrow maternity clothes until you need them. Why? Maternity clothes are typically made for when you have a much more prominent belly. And while some clothes are meant to grow with you, it's impossible to predict when you will need a change in clothes and how much of a change you need. Everyone's body changes at different rates in pregnancy as in life. The rubber band trick to expand your pants may work for you until 6 months or it may not even get you to 3 months!
We have some tips to help you decide when to buy maternity clothes, keeping in mind your budget and comfort.
Find tricks to use your pre-pregnancy clothes as long as possible. Buy a "belly band" to cover the gap between your shirt and pants, leave your pants unbuttoned/unzipped and tuck the corners of the opening under, use a hairtie or rubber band to connect your pants button (you can also purchase a pants expander made for this purpose), wear longer shirts/tunics, take advantage of stretchy pants, wear empire waist anything.
Purchase a couple of staple items at first. Don't replace your wardrobe in a day -- start slow. Buy two pair of versatile pants, like black pants and jeans, and 3 interchangeable, basic tops. Continue to pair with other non-maternity pieces in your wardrobe that still work, like cardigans, stretchy pants, empire waist dresses, etc.
You'll know when it's time. When your few staple items become the only things you can fit into, it's time to invest in some more maternity clothing -- but you don't have to drop a load of cash. If they haven't already offered, talk to your friends or siblings who've had babies -- will they lend you some pieces? Then, search gently used clothing from sites like Thred Up, Motherhood Closet, Swap.com, eBay and your local Craigslist. Also look in your local thrift and consignment stores. Kids' consignment shops and seasonal consignment sales usually sell maternity clothing.
What tips do you have to offer on when to buy maternity clothes? How did it work for you?
Published: November 19, 2019
PregnancyMaternity Clothes