Giving Birth with Confidence

Third Trimester Checklist

Third Trimester Checklist

Cara Terreri, LCCE, CD(DONA)

Can you believe it?? Third trimester. Home stretch (a long one, but STILL). In weeks 28-42 of your pregnancy, you're really feeling all the feelings -- excitement, exhaustion, aches and pains, nervousness... they're all wrapped up in your day-to-day during this last phase of pregnancy.

More than likely, you'll get the telltale bursts of energy at different points in your third trimester and attempt to do all.the.things, which is why we crafted a list just for the occasion! That said, it's probably best if you spread out your to-dos over the span of the whole 14 weeks instead of trying to knock them out in one frenzied nesting all-nighter!

Third Trimester To-Do List

 Find ways to extend the life of your maternity clothes as your belly grows, like wearing extra long camisoles under shirts that are popping up 

⬜ Count baby kicks and movements to make sure baby is healthy and active

⬜ Purchase a couple of nursing bras (but not too many) for your first couple of months after birth

⬜ Book a childbirth class if you haven't already done so 

⬜ Take a breastfeeding class to learn about and prepare to feed your baby

⬜ Get the name and number of a lactation consultant near your in case you experience difficulties with breastfeeding; ask your childbirth class teacher for referrals

⬜ Find a pediatrician for your baby

⬜ Learn all about labor and birth, including how to know if you're in labor and how to cope with labor pain (a good childbirth class teaches these and so much more!)

⬜ Start prepping for your absence at work (training a colleague, wrapping up or handing off projects)

⬜ Hire a doula if you haven't already done so and plan to have one, then schedule your prenatal meetings

⬜ If you're unhappy or worried about your care provider, you can switch even in your 3rd trimester! Research providers, interview, and make the switch before you give birth.

⬜ Tour the hospital or birth center -- find out where to go if it's after hours

⬜ Continue your pregnancy journal (or start one - it's never too late!) and take belly pics

⬜ Schedule a professional maternity photo shoot, if you desire one

⬜ Plan for older sibling care when you go into labor, if you have other children that need care

⬜ Continue or begin an exercise routine and adjust as needed for your physical changes in the third trimester

⬜ Create space for non-pregnancy/baby related activities and events, either alone, with friends, or with your partner or spouse

Go on a last-minute babymoon (vacation before baby comes), even if it's just one night away

⬜ Heed your need to sleep, nap, and rest when possible and needed

⬜ Go easy on yourself - your hormones and your body are hard at work, so take breaks when you need it, excuse yourself from functions if you feel like it, and take some time for yourself or with a good friend when you want 

⬜ Jot down questions in between prenatal appointments to ask your care provider

Keep healthy, filling snacks that are easy to eat on the go and between meals

⬜ Involve your partner in your pregnancy by sharing feelings, attending appointments and classes together, and making time to connect 

⬜ Stay hydrated - drink plenty of water throughout the day

 Continue (or start) working on your baby budget 

Attend your baby shower! No baby shower? Keep it simple -- throw your own party and invite your closest friends to your favorite restaurant. 

⬜ Check your registry to find out what you still need to buy before baby arrives

⬜ Pack your hospital bags -- one for labor and one for your hospital/birth center stay; include a baby outfit, too

⬜ Create nursing/feeding/diapering stations in a couple of different locations in your house to make life easier when baby arrives

⬜ Wash, fold, and organize baby clothes

⬜ Stock your freezer with easy-to-eat meals, either homemade or store bought 

⬜ Reach out to your favorite support person(s) for comfort, fun, love, joy -- whatever you need during this time

⬜ Have patience and remember that most pregnancies safely go past 40 weeks; your due date is just an estimate -- most babies know exactly when to be born!

Looking for a checklist for earlier on in your pregnancy? Check out our first trimester checklist and the second trimester checklist!