Research and resources for perinatal professionals.
October 02, 2013 | by: Henci Goer, BA
The 20 minute electronic fetal monitoring strip is a "right of passage" for any woman being admitted to the hospital in labor. But is this automatic 20 minute strip evidence based? Regular Science & Sensibility contributor Henci Goer takes a look at a recent Cochrane systematic revie
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September 30, 2013 | by: Walker Karraa, PhD
Regular contributor (and brand new PhD!) Walker Karraa shares a new study examining the relationship between antidepressant medication and postpartum hemorrhage. Walker questions the lead researchers on other factors present during labor and birth that may have as much or more impact on
September 25, 2013 | by: Sharon Muza, BS, LCCE, FACCE, CD/BDT(DONA), CLE
by Wendy Gordon, CPM, LM, MPH, MANA Division of Research, Assistant Professor, Bastyr University Dept of MidwiferyMidwife Wendy Gordon shares with Science & Sensibility readers why the recent home birth research using 5 minute Apgar scores does not produce reliable data that consumers
September 02, 2013 | by: Henci Goer, BA
Regular Science & Sensibility contributor and author Henci Goer takes a look at the recent Cochrane review "Continuous cardiotocography (CTG) as a form of electronic fetal monitoring (EFM) for fetal assessment during labour" to determine if the researchers found any new information on the benefi
August 26, 2013 | by: Walker Karraa, PhD
Today, regular Science & Sensibility contributor Walker Karraa shares a study that came out earlier this summer examining the incidence of postpartum depression and place of residence (rural vs urban.) Women living in urban areas were more likely to suffer from PPD. Are you surprised
August 21, 2013 | by: Sharon Muza, BS, LCCE, FACCE, CD/BDT(DONA), CLE
By Richard N. Waldman, MDThe Lamaze International Annual Conference is being held October 11-13, 2013 in New Orleans, LA. "Let the Good Times Roll for Safe and Healthy Birth" is the theme and there is a fabulous line up of speakers and events planned. Birth professionals who serve women
August 05, 2013 | by: Sharon Muza, BS, LCCE, FACCE, CD/BDT(DONA), CLE
As World Breastfeeding Week continues, the role of the midwife in promoting and facilitating breastfeeding for new mothers is examined. Midwifery clients and their babies exceed national breastfeeding rates compared to the general population and our authors today, Jill Breen, Jeanette McCulloch and
July 31, 2013 | by: Kathleen Kendall-Tackett
Science & Sensibility, Lamaze International and our contributors are proud to support World Breastfeeding Week 2013, running August 1-7. The Sixth Healthy Birth Practice- "Keep mother and baby together- It's best for mother, baby and breastfeeding" stresses the importance of getting
July 15, 2013 | by: Sharon Muza, BS, LCCE, FACCE, CD/BDT(DONA), CLE
By Elizabeth Jones, APHL Today, Elizabeth Jones brings us up to date on the current research and information we need to know in order to be able to accurately discuss newborn screening and the research behind it with our clients, students and patients. Make sure you are current on what yo
July 01, 2013 | by: Andrea D. Lythgoe, LCCE
In this third series on Understanding Research, we will take a basic look at methodologies that are used in research. Both qualitative and quantitative approaches will be explored, with discussion on the reasons different approaches might be used and the strengths and weaknesses of each. Hopefully t
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