Giving Birth with Confidence

Second Trimester Checklist

Second Trimester Checklist

Cara Terreri, LCCE, CD(DONA)

Yay, you're in the second trimester! Now what? More waiting and growing, of course, but there are also things you can do during weeks 13-27 of your pregnancy that will benefit your physical, mental, and emotional health now, in birth, and beyond.  

Think of this list as helpful suggestions, not as a stress-riddled, oh-my-gosh-I've-gotta-do-these-things-NOW dark cloud that hangs over your head throughout the second trimester. In fact, a to-do list that boils down some of the most important activities and actions can help provide direction and focus, which actually reduces your stress!

Second Trimester To-Do List

 Find maternity clothes that work for your budget (buy new, borrow from friends, buy second hand from local consignment shops, or search for maternity clothes on places like eBay or thredUP)

⬜ Continue to evaluate your care provider -- are you still happy with your care? If not, consider a switch

⬜ Talk to your employer about your options for maternity leave

⬜ Research doulas -- what they are, what they do; schedule interviews and choose one that best suits your needs

⬜ Continue (or start) your pregnancy journal and take belly pics

⬜ Research good childbirth classes in your area, then go ahead and schedule a class to begin in your third trimester 

⬜ If nausea is finally over, try incorporating more variety and nutrient-dense foods into your daily diet

⬜ Decide if you will find out the sex of your baby during your 20 weeks anatomy scan ultrasound

⬜ Continue or start an exercise routine that is right for your individual health needs -- look for a prenatal-specific class if you enjoy working out in a group or want pregnancy-specific exercises  

⬜ Create space for non-pregnancy related activities and events, either alone, with friends, or with your partner or spouse

⬜ Plan your babymoon (vacation before baby comes), even if it's just one night away

⬜ Continue or begin an exercise routine, with oversight from your care provider (most exercise is usually safe in pregnancy) 

⬜ Heed your need to sleep, nap, and rest when possible and needed

⬜ Go easy on yourself - your hormones are hard at work so take breaks when you need it, excuse yourself from functions if you feel like it, and take some time for yourself or with a good friend when you want 

⬜ Jot down questions in between prenatal appointments to ask your care provider

⬜ Have healthy, filling snacks that are easy to eat on the go and between meals

⬜ Download the Lamaze app Pregnancy to Parenting to follow your pregnancy changes and baby's development 

⬜ Involve your partner in your pregnancy by sharing feelings, attending appointments and classes together, and making time to connect 

⬜ Stay hydrated - drink plenty of water throughout the day

Continue (or start) working on your baby budget 

⬜ Research must-have baby products and set up a baby registry

⬜ Reach out to your favorite support person(s) for comfort, fun, love, joy -- whatever you need during this time