Giving Birth with Confidence

National Breastfeeding Month: Breastfeeding Resources from Lamaze

National Breastfeeding Month: Breastfeeding Resources from Lamaze

Cara Terreri, LCCE, CD(DONA)

Last week was World Breastfeeding Week, and the entire month of August is National Breastfeeding Month, as declared in 2011 by the United States Breastfeeding Committee. As an expectant or new parent, you will find that the web is chock full of several, awesome breastfeeding resources. We'll share some of our favorite breastfeeding resources from around the net later this week. Today, we would like to share with you the many (and mostly free) resources Lamaze has created just for breastfeeding families.


Lamaze Classes

Lamaze classes always cover breastfeeding basics. Find the class nearest you to learn in person!



The Importance of Skin to Skin









Mobile App

The Lamaze Pregnancy to Parenting mobile app is a fantastic tool for families to use throughout pregnancy, birth, and early parenting -- including breastfeeding! The app allows you to track breastfeeding, which can be very helpful when you're sleep deprived!









The Benefits of Breastfeeding



Keep Your Baby With You After Birth



Tips for Breastfeeding Success




Online Class

If you're unable to attend an in-person Lamaze class, or if you feel you would like additional breastfeeding instruction or a "refresher," consider taking the online course from Lamaze, "Breastfeeding Basics: From Birth to Back to Work."



"Nursing is Natural"

"Returning to Work"


"Lamaze Healthy Birth Practice #6: Keep Mother and Baby Together; It's Best for Mother, Baby, and Breastfeeding"



Your Pregnancy Week By Week is a free weekly evidence-based newsletter designed for parents to provide helpful information, tips and resources, including helpful information for preparing for breastfeeding before birth.



Check out the Lamaze Breastfeeding Pinterest page to learn new and helpful information for breastfeeding families, whether you're a beginner or have been nursing for a long time.