Giving Birth with Confidence

A Look at Your Pregnancy, Week by Week with Lamaze

A Look at Your Pregnancy, Week by Week with Lamaze

Cara Terreri, LCCE, CD(DONA)

Wondering what's happening during this week of your pregnancy? Lamaze offers a free weekly email called "Lamaze Pregnancy Week by Week," and we've also published this helpful information on our blog! Browse below to find your week and click through to learn more. Be sure to also sign up for our free email to receive more in-depth information on your pregnancy, how to prepare for birth, and tips for a more satisfying, safe and healthy pregnancy, birth, and postpartum period. Subscribers will be given the opportunity to complete a Lamaze Parent Satisfaction Survey and receive a Lamaze Toys coupon.



First Trimester

6 Weeks

7 Weeks

8 Weeks

9 Weeks

10 Weeks

11 Weeks

12 Weeks

13 Weeks


Second Trimester

14 Weeks

15 Weeks

16 Weeks

17 Weeks

18 Weeks

19 Weeks

20 Weeks

21 Weeks

22 Weeks

23 Weeks

24 Weeks

25 Weeks

26 Weeks


Third Trimester

27 Weeks

28 Weeks

29 Weeks

30 Weeks

31 Weeks

32 Weeks

33 Weeks

34 Weeks

35 Weeks

36 Weeks

37 Weeks

38 Weeks

39 Weeks

40 Weeks

41 Weeks

42 Weeks