Giving Birth with Confidence, The Pregnancy Experience

21 Tips to Get Through the Long Winter Months When You're Pregnant

Cara Terreri

Winter takes a toll on everyone. Cold temps, low levels of sunlight, and shorter days affects mood, emotions, and health. If you're pregnant during these long months, hang in there and use a few of our suggestions below to help you get the rest or energetic boost you need. 

  1. Go to bed as soon as you start to feel tired
  2. Take a vitamin D supplement
  3. Get fresh air and natural light every single day
  4. Wash your hands with soap throughout the day
  5. Hydrate even when you aren't hot
  6. Eat winter season fruits and vegetables
  7. Rest (actually lay down) when you're feeling tired, sad, bored, disconnected, or "off"
  8. Moisturize your skin for pregnancy plus cold, dry weather
  9. Keep exercising - get outside with the right layers and shoes, or find an indoor activity
  10. Eat the right foods to boost best nutrition
  11. Dress in layers
  12. Wear flat and non-skid/rubber-soled boots or shoes
  13. Pack a winter survival kit for your car, just in case (include water and food!)
  14. Go easy on yourself - do less, expect less, say "no" more
  15. Schedule time to be social at least weekly 
  16. Create a regular standing phone call date with a good friend or sibling
  17. Make weekly for social time with friends or family
  18. Take a break and get help from others - whether friends or professionals 
  19. Schedule a winter maintenance check for your car
  20. Find your favorite winter mocktail
  21. Find and schedule a great childbirth class - virtual options are available!